To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:

  1. Account payable to "Rev Moa Longchari Cancer Foundation"
  2. Account number: 08990110103500 | ISFC: UCBA000089
  3. MICR Code: 797028102 | SWIFT: UCBAINBB128
  4. Adress: Uco Bank, Kohima branch
  5. Mobile No: +91 9436438114 / 9436000648

Your donation is greatly appreciated!

A Note Of Gratitude From PHNK

A Note Of Gratitude From PHNK

Date: 16.12.2020

Mrs. Khrienuo Moa
RML Cancer Foundation

Subject: Summary of beneficiaries of the RMLCF financial aid in partnership with Puotunuo Nursing Home, Kohima

Dear Madam,
With reference to your letter Ref/RMLCF/No.02/HOSP dated 22.08.2020, it gives me great pleasure to inform that nine patients were able to undergo successful treatment of cancer and pay their medical bills through the generous contribution of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs) from your foundation.

The list of beneficiaries of the RMLCF aid are as follows:

S. noNameDiagnosisFinancial aid amount
1.Mrs Lhousedeü VikriCervical cancer20,000
2.Mrs Yeiwang KonyakOvarian cancer25,500
3.Mrs KerievinuoLip cancer10,000
4.Miss Nesavino SaleOvarian cancer40,000
5.Mr PokhotsoThyroid cancer25,000
6.Mrs Sazovolu NienuBreast lymphoma15,000
7.Mrs KehailamguileParotid cancer25,000
8.Mr Welhitso WetsaAmeloblastoma Jaw16,500
9.Mr Lamjakai KholhouStomach cancer23,000
Total amount2,00,000

Putuonuo Nursing Home, Kohima has been treating cancer patients over the last 5 years. The estimated number of cancer patients treated at our small centre this year is more than 300. With the heavy burden of cancer in Nagaland, and poor Socioeconomic status of a large majority, it is a great challenge for many to finance their treatment. More so with the COVID pandemic, many have suffered great loss. In the light of all this, we deeply appreciate your far-sightedness, generosity, and concern for those who are suffering from cancer.

We selected those patients from remote areas of Nagaland with minimal annual income, who had early stage curable disease to avail of this financial aid. We, as a cancer centre, on behalf of our patients express deep gratitude to you and the RMLCF for the kind gesture.

May God bless the future of your organisation! Thanking you.

Dr. (Ms) Keduovinuo KeditsuMedical Superintendant, Putuonuo Nursing Home Kohima MBBS (LHMC), MRCS EnglandDr. (Ms) Keduovinuo Keditsu
MS (General Surgery, MAMC)
MCh (Surgical Oncology, TMH Mumbai)